Religious groups that are in error are named by both Christ and Paul (see Matthew 16:6, 12; Acts 23:6–8; Romans 16:17–18). The Mormon Church’s founder was Joseph Smith, who said an angel named Moroni appeared to him and told him of “golden plates” written in “reformed Egyptian hieroglyphics.” Joseph Smith said he translated these and produced the Book of Mormon. The Bible says “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed” (Galatians 1:8–9). Joseph Smith said he was able to translate the “reformed Egyptian hieroglyphics” with two crystals named “Urim” and “Thummin.”
Mormons believe the Bible is incomplete and has errors (see PRESERVATION), which they believe were restored in the Book of Mormon, which they say is on equal authority with the Bible (see BIBLE). But it is the Book of Mormon that has problems, not the Bible. The Book of Mormon is supposed to contain the history of a group of people who lived in America before the American Indians. The Book of Mormon describes money as “pieces of their gold” with names such as “senine of gold for a day, or a senum of silver” (Alma 11:3–4), and the passage said that this was a day’s “wages” for a judge. In Alma 11:5–6 it gives several more names, such as “shum of gold,” “limnah of gold,” “amnor of silver,” “ezrom of silver,” and “onti of silver.” But not one of these has ever been found. And Native Americans of that time period did not use precious metals for wages. On the other hand, the denarius and the shekel named in the Bible have been found in abundance. The widow’s two “mites” of Luke 21:1–4 have been found in the hundreds of thousands and are even used to date archaeological sites. Nor is there any evidence for the other things claimed in the Book of Mormon for America of that time period, such as silk, wheat, barley, etc. Nor any linguistic or DNA evidence for a supposed Hebrew culture of that time period in America.
This religion has many unbiblical teachings. They believe that after Jesus Christ arose from the grave, He visited people in America. They believe their church is a “restored” church, but this unbiblical (see CHURCH). They say we are married in heaven, but again this is unbiblical (see MARRIAGE). Their founders were polygamists (see POLYGAMY). They believe that we can become gods, but we will always be the created not the Creator. Mormons believe that God the Father has a body of flesh and bones, but the Bible says, “God is a Spirit” (John 4:24). They believe that there are a series of gods, and that the God of the Bible came from another god who came from another god etc. They argument for this is, “Everything has to have a beginning.” But their argument would not explain were the beginning of this series of gods came from. They say the God of the Bible is the only one we are directly involved with. But there are no other gods, “I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God” (Isaiah 44:6) and many other verses. (see GOD; JESUS CHRIST; HELL).
Please read the other doctrines and pray for this website to be used of God and to help Christians!
Religious groups that are in error are named by both Christ and Paul (see Matthew 16:6, 12; Acts 23:6–8; Romans 16:17–18). The Mormon Church’s founder was Joseph Smith, who said an angel named Moroni appeared to him and told him of “golden plates” written in “reformed Egyptian hieroglyphics.” Joseph Smith said he translated these and produced the Book of Mormon. The Bible says “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed” (Galatians 1:8–9). Joseph Smith said he was able to translate the “reformed Egyptian hieroglyphics” with two crystals named “Urim” and “Thummin.”
Mormons believe the Bible is incomplete and has errors (see PRESERVATION), which they believe were restored in the Book of Mormon, which they say is on equal authority with the Bible (see BIBLE). But it is the Book of Mormon that has problems, not the Bible. The Book of Mormon is supposed to contain the history of a group of people who lived in America before the American Indians. The Book of Mormon describes money as “pieces of their gold” with names such as “senine of gold for a day, or a senum of silver” (Alma 11:3–4), and the passage said that this was a day’s “wages” for a judge. In Alma 11:5–6 it gives several more names, such as “shum of gold,” “limnah of gold,” “amnor of silver,” “ezrom of silver,” and “onti of silver.” But not one of these has ever been found. And Native Americans of that time period did not use precious metals for wages. On the other hand, the denarius and the shekel named in the Bible have been found in abundance. The widow’s two “mites” of Luke 21:1–4 have been found in the hundreds of thousands and are even used to date archaeological sites. Nor is there any evidence for the other things claimed in the Book of Mormon for America of that time period, such as silk, wheat, barley, etc. Nor any linguistic or DNA evidence for a supposed Hebrew culture of that time period in America.
This religion has many unbiblical teachings. They believe that after Jesus Christ arose from the grave, He visited people in America. They believe their church is a “restored” church, but this unbiblical (see CHURCH). They say we are married in heaven, but again this is unbiblical (see MARRIAGE). Their founders were polygamists (see POLYGAMY). They believe that we can become gods, but we will always be the created not the Creator. Mormons believe that God the Father has a body of flesh and bones, but the Bible says, “God is a Spirit” (John 4:24). They believe that there are a series of gods, and that the God of the Bible came from another god who came from another god etc. They argument for this is, “Everything has to have a beginning.” But their argument would not explain were the beginning of this series of gods came from. They say the God of the Bible is the only one we are directly involved with. But there are no other gods, “I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God” (Isaiah 44:6) and many other verses. (see GOD; JESUS CHRIST; HELL).
Please read the other doctrines and pray for this website to be used of God and to help Christians!